
Strategy With Technology

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What is Mobile Application Development

Mobile application development is similar to Web application development and has its roots in more traditional software development. One critical difference, however, is that mobile applications (apps) are often written specifically to take advantage of the unique features a particular mobile device offers.  For instance, a gaming app might be written to take advantage of the iPhone's accelerometer.

Nowadays, there are apps being written for Android and iOS—the most popular mobile operating systems today.

Android is one of the fastest growing mobile operating systems in the world. It has revolutionized the Smartphone and tablet industry to the extent that today it commands number one position in the market. The future holds a lot of promise for Android-based consumer- and enterprise-level applications, and making the right decision early is the key to success. Today major brand like Samsung, LG, HTC and Motorola, use the Android operating system to power their devices.

iOS is the other popular brand in mobile operating systems and it has commanded a very high market share with its superior-quality mobile devices. With continuous improvements on iOS and new devices launches every week, iOS is making its presence felt in the market in a big way.

Convergence also specializes in developing Hybrid Mobile Apps, which are a cost-effective way of developing a mobile app. Hybrid mobile app development combines the features of HTML5 and the native app to give the user the feel of a native app while not involving the development efforts required for a native app.

Convergence offers out-of-the-box and industry-standard Mobile Application Development services for consumer and enterprise-level applications. Our highly skilled team is equipped with the latest technology to develop high-performance mobile apps. All mobile development platforms offer customizable, rich, user-friendly and simplified application development environment that provide excellent opportunity for developers to develop and market their applications on the Stores.

Benefits of Mobile Application Development

  • Become more accessible to users
  • Enhanced end-user experiences
  • Build a stronger brand through frequent interaction with your market
  • Provide more value to customers
  • Wide spectrum of usage from mobile to tablets to home appliance and smart TV

Who should go for Mobile Application Development

Businesses looking to monetize the ever-increasing demand for the mobile platform can go for the Mobile Application Development service. It can be small, medium and large companies, NGOs, etc. Businesses looking for mobile apps in e-commerce, enterprise, e-learning, entertainment, gaming, social media, communication, travel, utility or multimedia apps can take the advantage of our Mobile Application Development services.

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