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  • A Tribute to Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam “Missile Man” of India
altDream is not that which you see while sleeping it is something that does not let you sleep” this quote by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam from his book Wings of Fire has inspired countless young minds around the world to realize their dreams. It made people aware that mere dreaming is not sufficient one need to pursue it with single focused determination. It also tells people having a dream is a beginning of everything that one needs to achieve in life. It further says that one need to nurture their dream through hard work and perseverance. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam who gave all of his life inspiring and motivating young people to achieve excellence passed away on 27th July 2015 during a lecture at the IIM in Shillong. He became 11th President of India and served the office from 2002 to 2007.
Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam was born on 15 October 1931 in Rameswaram a small village in the south Indian State of Tamil Nadu. He had a humble and modest upbringing his father was a boat owner and mother a homemaker. During his childhood, to offset the financial burden, he distributed newspapers so that he could support his family and education. Even after facing numerous challenges in his yearly life he successfully completed his studies and became rocket scientist. When Indian Rocket technology was still in its formative years Dr.Kalam along with others eminent scientist like Dr. Vikram Sarabhai gave a strong foothold in rocket technology. During his brief training session at NASA he noticed wide differences in how Indian space program functions and how NASA worked and realized how scientific research and technology development has to go hand in hand if India wants to make its space program successful.
He always believed that India possessed immense potential to be a world super power. Through his writings he always tried to bring out the superlative qualities of every young Indians and the respect he garners among intellectuals, students, politicians and every one in India and around the world is the testimony that he has been successful in his pursuits. He was a staunch believer of scientific research and development and believed that it can change the face of the country for good but he knew political will power is needed for the transformation. He believed that governments or politicians lack will power to bring in the true transformation of India and the onus rest on the young generations. He liked to connect with children and youth so much that post-presidency be became visiting professor at many prestigious institutes like IIM Shillong, IIM Ahmedabad, IISc Bangalore, Anna University and many more.
Dr.Kalam believed in simple living and high thinking. He had the charm of connecting with masses without any pretence this made him popular among everyone he met. He was the favorite among children and youths of the country who were fascinated by his intellect and simplicity. He played a pivotal role in Pokhran-II nuclear test in 1998 and that earned him the title of “Missile Man of India”. He has written numerous books some of them include Wings of Fire - An Autobiography, Ignited Minds: Unleashing the Power within India, The Luminous Sparks, Mission India and more. Dr.Kalam is the recipient of India’s highest civilian award, Bharat Ratna. He was also awarded with Padma Bhushan and Padma Vibhushan for his contribution towards scientific development in space programs.
Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam has truly epitomized the Indian missile program par with any other super power in the world. He had a vision for India which he very well summarized in his book “India 2020”. No one can ever replace Dr. Abdul Kalam’s legacy but there is hope those who share his vision will emerge as a torchbearer to take his legacy forward.