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Strategy With Technology

  • 5 Elements of Emotional Intelligence for Business Leader
altTo run a successful company business leaders need good IQ but it may not be necessarily only attribute that is important. As the shift in technology has disrupted the conventional business wisdom business leaders need other kind of intelligence to sail through this highly competitive market. Through many high profile studies it has been proved beyond an iota of doubt that to make your business successful, to retain best talents, to improve performance, and to create a positive ecosystem in the company leaders need both IQ and EQ albeit EQ more than IQ. Below are the 5 important Emotional Intelligence traits that every business leader must have to succeed. These are put forward by world famous American psychologist Daniel Goleman.
1. Self-Awareness: Knowing your strengths, weaknesses, thoughts, beliefs, motivation, and emotions are as crucial as knowing others. When business leaders are self-aware of their own qualities they are in better position to help their subordinates and also it helps them to realize their potentials and reach new heights in their lives. Those who are self aware manage crisis better and does not allow their emotions to cloud their judgments. Also they don’t feel belittle while accepting their mistakes and learn from them and move on.
2. Self-Regulation: Uncontrolled emotions are not good for business leaders who are at the helm of making big decisions in the company. It is important for business leaders to regulate their emotions and impulse and to channelize them to take right decisions for the overall good of the company.
3. Motivation: Business leaders with high level of self motivation make better long-term decisions. They enjoy taking challenges in their professional lives and are highly productive in their given work.
4. Empathy: Feeling emotions, thoughts, and experiences of others is a key to Emotional Intelligence and business leaders must possess this quality to make any kind of positive difference in their lives. Leaders with empathy have many followers and they easily establish trust with people. Leaders with empathy are good at managing relationships.
5. Social Skills: Business leaders must possess strong social skills to network with their others. Leaders who are good with people seamlessly manage to connect with them and develop a strong bond. They are also excellent at communication.