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Strategy With Technology

  • Why you should choose Joomla, Wordpress or Drupal
altToday getting a full functional website done for your business on a shoestring budget is possible which a decade earlier might not have been possible. All thanks to the advent of open source CMS like Joomla, WordPress and Drupal. Today these open source CMS power millions of websites delivering true value for money for the business owners. Though there are many other open source and paid CMS but the popularity of Joomla, WordPress and Drupal has eclipsed the others. When it comes to choose an open source CMS platform the default choice of people is Joomla, WordPress or Drupal but it is not just their popularity or open source nature but whole lot of product and support ecosystem that makes most used CMS.
Below are the reasons why you should to chose open source CMS Joomla, Wordpress or Drupal
1. They are free: For entrepreneurs who are starting their new ventures or companies who want to leverage the power and flexibility of open source technology can use Joomla, Wordpress or Drupal to develop their websites or applications. This helps them to keep the cost low and increase efficiency of the business.
2. They are popular: Immense popularity of Joomla, Wordpress and Drupal along with their wide usage proves the trust and faith people have placed on these platforms. With increasing usage different plugins, extensions and support for the platform become easily available. Popularity also make sure that world over developers take active part in developing new versions of the platforms and release it regularly.
3. They are open source: This further enhances the overall value proposition of Joomla, Wordpress and Drupal platforms. These platforms are not restricted by any rules of usage as long as one does not claim ownership on the source code. Further one can hack the code, modify it and create something new and launch it as a new product under the open source license. Being open source offers the unhindered support for the platform from millions of users worldwide. New patches are constantly released fix the bugs and errors.
4. They offer greater flexibility: These platforms offer improved flexibility and functionality. They have great themes contributed by developers all over the world. They have large collections of plugins and extensions to take care of different functionality.
5. They offer Improved security: Newer versions of Joomla, Wordpress and Drupal offer improved security features and greater protection against hackers. With regular updates and patches rolled out these open sources offers greater security when compared to other lesser known paid or open source CMS.