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  • 6 Reasons Why Introvert Can be better Leaders!
altPeople are either Introvert or Extrovert and at times show both the characteristics called Ambivert. Though not much has been spoken about Ambivert characteristics of people but Introvert and Extrovert characteristics have been studied in detail. People who are Introvert are reserved, enjoys introspection positively avoid social gatherings and most of the time enjoy their creative pursuits. On the other hand extroverts are apple of everyone’s eye in the social gathering, they like to make friends, crowded place don’t scare them. They wear well-ironed clothes and prefer suits for formal business occasions and speak what’s in their mind without waiting for any occasion. People who are Ambivert show both of these characteristics as per the situations they are in.
Categorically speaking it has been said that since extrovert are good in dealing with people and can speak their minds far effectively than the Introvert they can be better leader than Introvert. But statistically speaking today we have data to show that Introverts are in a better position to become leaders than Introverts. Some of the well-known and successful Introverts from different walks of life include – Bill Gates, Barack Obama, Henry Ford, Albert Einstein, Abraham Lincoln, Eleanor Roosevelt, Mahatma Gandhi, Warren Buffett and J.K. Rowling to name a few.  All these people are considered to be Introvert but aced their professional career with straight A’s. 
Close introspection reveals that beneath the layers of this shyness and solitude their lies an unquenchable thirst to dream big and excel life. Let us see qualities that Introvert has that will help them to be a better leader than Introverts.
1. They listen first before acting
Introverts are good listeners and this stands one of the greatest qualities of any great leaders. Whenever you need to solve a problem you need to listen and understand the problem first.  They get their thought first and then act accordingly rather than jumping to the conclusion at the onset.
2. They prepare themselves before action
Introverts inherently share this common trait of preparation before taking any action. Thoughtfulness, consideration for others can be seen in their conversation. They mentally envision the resolution of any event and thus take measured actions that particularly benefit the situation.
3. They are calm and compose
People like to see their leaders calm and compose while dealing with stressful situation this gives them the confidence and establish trust on their leaders to take right decision. Acting coherently under pressure is something a trademark sign of Introvert leaders. Most of the world leaders who are introvert are low key and maintain their demeanor in face of a crisis. Barack Obama the current president of USA is a perfect example.
4. They are creative thinkers
Introverts are creative thinkers - they think intuitively. This helps them to easily connect with other people on a personal level and listen to their problems and find a new ways to solve their problems. 
5. They love solitude
Introvert people loves solitude this helps them to contemplate on issues at hand and come up with solutions for them. Solitude helps them to introspect and stay focused – these are very important characteristics of a true leader – and introverts have them.  This way they better articulate their thoughts and make meaningful decisions.
6. They work hard and stay humble
Most of the Introverts put long hours of work compared to their Extrovert counterparts but this not visible because they enjoy their work in solitude, even in conference extroverts hop around here and there collecting visiting cards Introverts make one-to-one personal connection with very few people. This leads many people to think Introverts as lazy and procrastinator but the truth is totally different from what it seems. They believe in “Work hard and stay humble”.