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Strategy With Technology

  • Things That Will Make Employee Happy At Work
altToday’s dynamic business environment offers plenty of scope for employees to grow and flourish. With changing technologies and consumerization of IT things have changed to a greater extent. Although salary has increased, work infrastructure has improved, novel technologies has made in-roads employee’s work satisfaction and happiness is all time low. Employees spend large amount of their life’s time at their work place and keeping this in mind businesses needs to do something to keep their employees happy and motivated. Research shows roughly 13% of the employees are engaged and remaining 87% are not engaged. This has a serious consequence as the work productivity of the employee goes down gradually.
Let us see how business can make their employees happy:
1. Recognition & Appreciation: Everyone wants to be recognized and appreciated for their hard work and when managers do so it boosts employee’s confidence and morale.  But in many companies the deserving talents are still unrecognized. When employees are not recognized for their hard work it creates sense of neglect and frustration this leads to decline in overall collaboration and productivity. It causes employees to think, “What’s the use of putting so much effort when at the end my work is not recognized or appreciated. Appreciating and regularly rewarding the employees for their additional effort, innovative ideas and project execution is one of the ways to keep the employees happy and motivated.
2. Offer work-life balance:  In this past paced world, time is of great essence but with never ending deadline and upside down lifestyle it is a difficult task to maintain an optimum work-life balance. It has been found that when employees fail to cope with their personal and professional lives it make them unhappy and highly stressed. Companies can reduce the stress for employee by providing them fertile work environment, by breaking down silos and bringing in collaboration based approach. Using latest collaboration and communication tool will greatly reduce the work pressure and allow employee to complete their task on time.
3. Good Relationship with Superior:  Today business has become Profit and Loss statement. There is no empathy towards employees, if you are achieving or exceeding your monthly targets you become talented, skilled, professional to everyone and if not then suddenly you looses your charm. Having a good relations with superiors make employees feel confident and valued. Hence to keep employees happy at work managers should take step that will increase the communication and collaboration with them.
4. Job Security: At a time when unemployment is on the rise and lay-offs are increasing by the day having a job security is must. When employees know that they have a secure job at hand they are happier at their work place. It is important for managers to give confidence to the employees that they have a secure job.
5. Company’s financial stability: When company makes progress and has a strong balance sheet it makes not only CEO happy but employees feel happy too. Company’s financial stability gives a sense of financial security to the employee.
6. Attractive fixed salary: Most of the employees look for a job that pays them Attractive fixed salary this makes them feel secure and happy. 
7. Relationship with colleagues: Creating a friendly and open culture where employees are not frowned upon for speaking their mind is what makes employees happy. When employees have a cordial and good relationship with their colleagues they feel happy and stay productive.
8. Flexible work hours: With work pressure mounting on daily basis it becomes important that employees have a freedom to choose flexi work hours. Also in today’s internet age work from anywhere, anytime should be encouraged this will make employees happy and at the same time they will be more engaged with their work.