Corporate Blog

Strategy With Technology

  • An Unexpected Sweet Treat

Recently, we at the Convergence office got a very sweet surprise. After lunch, we received a delivery from Birdy’s. There were 2 cakes that had to be delivered to us. We were all perplexed as we did not have anyone’s birthday that day and none of us had ordered otherwise. Against our better judgement of just accepting the delivery of the cakes, we let our common sense take over and quizzed the delivery guy about where the cake was from and who ordered and when they had received the order and many such questions.

He initially couldn’t tell us much as it was an online order and all…but later he called up his outlet and found out that the cakes were indeed for us (we were honestly beginning to doubt whether they were for us!) and were from All That Pink, one of our clients. We were honestly very surprised and our happiness knew no bounds as we finally understood how much we had impacted our client through our website maintenance service. We finally opened the boxes and found 2 beautiful and yummy chocolate cakes with “Thank You” written on them in big bold letters.

After all that speculation and suspense we finally got to dig in and have some cake and needless to say they were demolished soon after. But not before we could take a few photos of the cakes.

Thank you All That Pink for this lovely treat. We hope you had as much fun sending it that we had eating it!!!