Corporate Blog

Strategy With Technology

  • Connect with your customers for a successful business
altBehind every successful business there are happy and staisfied customers and to continue the rhythm in the future it is necessary to take all the important steps to keep the customer happy. Keeping customer happy can be easy and at the same time it can be tricky, every customer has their own queries and giving them solutions accordingly will help the business to establish a healthy relation with the customers. Here we will some of the ways if done in a right manner will go a long way in making customer happy.
1. Do surveys
It is important to know likes and dislikes of your customers and to do that you can carry out a poll on your websites, send survey links to customers, install a VOIP, or encourage customer to send feedback regarding their views on the products or services. This will help businesses to make informed decisions and offer customer what exactly they like.
2. Send Newsletters
It is very important for your business to stay connected with your customers, so that you can keep them informed about the latest development regarding your products and services. It is always a good idea to send a weekly newsletter to the customers but also it is important to give them the option to receive monthly newsletters.
3. Blog
You can use blog to make latest announcement about your company’s product and services. Blog is also a nice way to share information with users. If you have a loyal fan base of customers who follow your company blog regularly then may provide you valuable insights.
4. Prompt E-mail Reply
With so many customer queries coming in every day it becomes herculean tasks to manage and respond all the queries at once. Hence it becomes important to use a support desk system to organize the incoming queries and reply them as per their priority level. This makes customer feel that you genuinely care for their problem and ready to offer an optimum solution to correct.
5. Connect customer through Social Media
People spend 20% of their daily time on social media websites and hence it makes sense to be there and listen to them what they are saying. Create a company profile page on Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter and get connected to them and keep them engaged.
6. Value customer feedback
Check out different, forums, communities and blogs where your customers are talking about your products and services and keep an eye on what they are writing about you. This will help you to take care of your unhappy customers by fixing and providing solution to their problems.
7. Provide superior customer service
Nothing replaces the timely and quality services offered to the customers. No matter what you do if at the end you are unable to offer them a great service then it actually defeats the purpose of customer service altogether.