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Strategy With Technology

  • 7 Ways for Effective Anger Management
altAnger is an outburst of emotion that can be normal or healthy to help us instinctively detect and respond to a threatening situation. Anger is mostly accompanied with frustration and rage. However anger can be destructive leading to stress, unhappiness, it harms personal and professional relation and if uncontrolled it can damage working relationship with colleagues. Though there is no medicine to control anger but we can use some steps to keep the Anger under control and lessen its effect. Below are 7 ways that can help you in controlling your anger.
1. Keep a “Hostility Log”
You can create a hostility log with three columns a) what made you angry? b) How did you respond? C) Was the action justified? Now whenever you get angry you can fill this sheet and at the end of the week you can analyze the sheet. It will help you develop a strategy to cope-up with your anger.\
2. If you have Anger problem then acknowledge it
It you don’t accept that you have anger problem then you won’t be able to solve it. So it is very important for you to acknowledge that you have Anger problem and set out a strategy to solve it.
3.  Use your support network
Garner support of people who are close to you they can be your friends and families. They can be source of your motivation and offer you a moral support in the anger management.
4. Interrupt Anger Cycle it may help
When you are angry then break it by doing the following 
a) Pause for a moment.
b) Take deep breaths.
c) Keep your positive by telling you can handle the situation.
d) Stop thinking about anything negative.
5. Make use of empathy
If you think the reason of your anger is other person then you can take some time and look from his perspective and analyze the situation. Remind yourself that everyone makes mistake and that through it people learn to improve.
6. Laughing is best medicine
This is indeed true when it comes to anger management, never take thing seriously and try to laugh at your own mistakes. So next time when you make silly mistake then don’t boil down with anger rather stay calm and laugh more.
7. Relax
Relaxing gives a calming effect so when you are angry then take some moment to relax and rejuvenate. When you calm down you mind is relaxed and you can focus rather than on the anger.