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Strategy With Technology

  • Top Business Skills for IT Professionals
altEven IT professionals need business skills to succeed in their career. Though not all the IT pros have the requisite business skills but learning few of them can greatly help to accelerate their careers. Here are few very important skills that every IT professional need to learn.
1. Listening
Listening is different from hearing. Most of the time we hear what is been said but think we listen. Listening is an art whereas hearing is our natural ability. When we listen we understand and through it we learn new things in life this learning of new thing will help IT professionals make their IT career a success. Good listeners have an advantage over others since they are learning new things which make them smarter too.
2. Collaboration
Collaboration is one of the very important skills that every IT professional must have. Working in an organization it is very important that we should collaborate with others and get our work done. Collaboration helps to come up with new ideas, solve problems and manage our work effectively
3. Negotiation
Negotiation is another skill that helps IT pros to be successful in their business. Constructive negotiation can make business deals and help your organization to be successful. Negotiation allows you to find a common pathway to move forward with benefits of both the parties in mind. Though it takes patience to learn the negotiation skills but if one is steadfast in learning what it takes for better negotiation he will be successful.
4. Basic Finance
IT professionals are not required to learn the heavy financial terms like balance sheet, cash flow, financial ratios etc. But learning basic financial terms like profit and loss, revenue, sales, expenditure, ROI will help the IT professional to run the business smoothly and to achieve great success in their business.
5. Managing
Managing is an essential skill and every IT professional must have this important skill. IT professional may not be as proficient as the MBA graduates at managing people at the onset but they can become par with their counter parts through constant learning and enhancing their skills.