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Strategy With Technology

  • Tips to make convincing presentation
altPresentation is one of the best ways to put your points forward in front of people. It helps convince decision maker whatever you are selling or saying has merit or commitments. Though many presentations are sheer boring but some are really interesting and makes the whole process of presentation really meaningful. Here are the few tips, when followed brings out best in the presentation.
1. Making your presentation lively
Whenever you are making presentation it is important to use real-life example rather than abstract examples. This will help audience to connect with you and they will be more attentive throughout the presentation. Instead of using words like gross margin, productivity or administrative expense related this to real-life scenario. You can say that you product or services have increased the gross margin of ABC company by $1 million, or the productivity of XYZ has increased by 50% etc.
2. Do your home work
Going through your presentation multiple times and perfecting it will boost your confidence and give you a strong hold on the subject matter. So during presentation you don’t have keeping looking on notes, your presentation will be fluid. This helps you to easily connect with the audience.
3. Tell a Story through your presentation
Many people give presentation as if they are doing it just for sake of it and result is boring and uninteresting presentation. So to make your presentation interesting you need to tell it as a kind of story. So if you are talking about the meteoric rise of your company then giving some sales and profit figures won’t help much. Rather give the audience some back story, tell them how the company got started, regarding funding, tough times and challenges, scaling great heights etc.
4. Use examples
Just stating facts are not enough, you need to give examples so that audience can relate to it. When talking about the sales number compare it with your nearest competitor this help the audience to exactly know how well you are doing in your business.
5. Make yourself presentable
Your body language plays a very important role in determining whether the presentation is a success or not. So it is important to be presentable, maintain a straight posture, and keep eye contact with the audience.