Corporate Blog

Strategy With Technology

  • Bombay Stock Exchange Uses Open Source Technology
altBombay Stock Exchange or BSE as it is commonly known is Asia’s oldest and India’s largest stock exchange. With millions of stock traded each month and transaction running into billions it is very important that the IT infrastructure of BSE is robust and always performing at it top. Though with changing technology it is imperative that BSE to upgrade its IT infrastructure but before doing that it also important to take into consideration the impact of particular change on integration of other applications. With so much on stake there is no room for error whatsoever and hence to improve performance and simplify management the team has to be accurate in the deployment of any latest technology. The company unlike traditional wisdom of closed software went with open source software and decided to deploy Linux in its infrastructure. With the further need to bring about standardization on Linux distribution along with making use of virtualization so as to reduce operation cost and hardware cost.
BSE went ahead and deployed SUSE Linux Enterprise Servers the company was successful in utilizing the powerful technology like Xen virtualization and Virtual Machine Driver pack to bring the operational cost and hardware cost. With the help of this robust technology BSE was ultimately able to combine 24 servers into 7 virtual host servers. This move has saved the cost associated with 17 servers and the 7 virtualization licenses.  BSE effectively saved 17 number of subscription of SUSE Linux Enterprise server with the use of SUSE Linux Enterprise server’s unlimited virtualization policy. The organization was able to virtualize both SUSE and Windows using Xen Virtualization technology. BSE used SUSE in its data warehousing solutions and by extending its use to OS and other virtualization requirement it standardized Linux across the IT infrastructure. Linux SUSE has offered a robust, secure and highly scalable platform for BSE to carry on with their business related important work.
BSE has developed a strong trust on this open source platform and this has led the organization to deploy this technology in some of its core applications like ERP, corporate e-mail, FTP, ECM, EMS, etc. with the virus free environment Bombay Stock Exchange was able to save 50 percent of cost which otherwise would gone into maintenance of IT infrastructure. This boosted in employee and work productivity at BSE.