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  • Top 5 Pay-Per-Click Mistakes Companies Make
altPay-Per-click is one of the very cost effective ways to generate sales and leads for your company. Google Adwords is one of the best known pay-per-click (PPC) platforms other are Yahoo search marketing and Bing Ads. Since competition is fierce in PPC segment having a specialized knowledge always come as a great help. Many small and midsized companies make PPC as one of their marketing channel to reach people. Though it is a great strategy but if not done correctly you can burn lot of your cash without getting desired results. Many companies doing PPC commit some cardinal mistakes because of which they don’t get success in the PPC advertising. Here some costly mistakes businesses make.
1. Directing users to Home Page
This is one of the important things that need to be kept in mind whenever a users searches for a product or services that you are selling then when she clicks on your Ad then she should be directed to the page where you offer her the information rather than the home page. Take for instance if you are selling Nokia Lumia 920 smart phone then if a user searches for this phone and come across your ad then when the user clicks on the Ad then she should be taken to the page where you have detailed about the phone specification and purchase detail. If you direct the user to the home page then she has to navigate through the website painstakingly to find the phone this increases the frustration level and chances are great that she may not stick around the website to make the purchase.
2. Directing user to contact page
Businesses are so eager to make sales and generate leads that they forget to heed the basic guidelines of PPC service provider like Google Adwords. Requesting user fill the contact form in returns of something free is against the guidelines of Google Adwords. Furthermore taking users directly to the contact page simply frustrates them and diminish the chance of making any sales.
3. Not running the A/B test
Creating a single ad and running it delivers uncertain results. To maximize the success of the Ads it is important to split test it or running the A/B test. Create a multiple version of Ads in your PPC Ad group and check which Ads get maximum clicks and conversion. This way rather than getting stuck with single Ad we you can create multiple Ads and reach right user and increase your success.
4. Depending on the Broad Match only
It is important to choose your keyword and it is also important to choose your match type for the chosen keywords. Many businesses depend on Broad match to bring in large amount of web traffic and potential sales. But Broad match may bring in good amount of traffic the relevance of the traffic cannot be guaranteed. For example if you are choosing a keyword ‘website maintenance services’ then people searching for computer maintenance and  hardware maintenance can also trigger your Ad. With this you may be wasting money on irrelevant searches and clicks. The solution is to opt for exact match or phrase match this may decrease the traffic but the clicks will highly relevant and you will be spending money for right kind of clicks.
5. Not using Negative Keyword
Keywords are fuel for running a successful PPC campaign but to make PPC more successful it is important to use Negative keywords effectively. So if you are offering website maintenance services then you can add ‘free’ as your negative keyword. This way your ad won’t get trigged when people are searching for free website maintenance services. This way you can get highly relevant quality traffic on your website.