Corporate Blog

Strategy With Technology

  • Top 20 Call-to-Action Do’s & Don’ts
altCall-to-Action Button on your website plays a very important role to convert a visitor into customer. But many developers while developing their website don’t take some key points into consideration. Here we list some of the Do’s & Don’ts of Call-to-Action Button while designing the website.
1. Always place your Call-to-Action button within the visitor’s “eye path”.
2. While designing Call-to-Action button use bold, contrasting colors.
3. Make your Call-to-Action stand out by making them big and bold.
4. Make your Call-to-Action look clickable by adding bevels, shadows and hover effects.
5. Use Call-to-Action that is in accordance with the buyer’s interest and needs.
6. Brevity is the key – make your Call-to-Action straight forward and simple.
7. Choose your word wisely so that Call-to-Action becomes a compelling proposition.
8. Make it clear what the visitor will receive.
9. Direct the Call-to-Action to a dedicated landing page.
10. Use one primary and one secondary Call-to-Action button.
11. Build trust through testimonials.
12. Use Call-to-Action in blogging, social media and thank-you pages.
13. Look out for the best Call-to-Action button regarding its design, placement and copy.
14. Add keyword-rich ALT tags to your Call-to-Action.
15. Use Call-to-Action that is mobile optimized
1. Do not hide Call-to-Action button where it can missed by visitors.
2. Do not use similar color for page background and the Call-to-Action button.
3. Do not small and tiny Call-to-Action button that no one will notice.
4. Do not make flat looking Call-to-Action button.
5. Do not use CTA at wrong places on the webpage.
6. Do not be lengthy and full of text.
7. Do not use cliché or passive language in your Call-to-Action.
8. Do not promise what you cannot deliver.
9. Do not link Call-to-Action to your homepage.
10. Do not stuff the page with Call-to-Action.
11. Do not forget to build the trust with the visitors.
12. Do not miss the opportunity to promote Call-to-Action.
13. Do not use repetitive Call-to-Action.
14. Do not forget to optimize your Call-to-Action for search engines.
15. Do not use heavy software like flash for your Call-to-Action