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  • Quick Tips to be a great Negotiator
altNo matter what type of business you are running whether a small or large, having a good negotiation skill is very important. Business leaders know that if you have a right negotiation skill you can take your business to greater heights but to say the least to develop such a great skill you need to take follow of few techniques. Below are 7 quick tips to be a great negotiator.
1. Never show sign of desperation
While on a negotiation table you need to keep upper hand all throughout the talk. You have to carry the positive mental attitude and never show sign of slightest desperation on your face. Negotiating a deal with client is a demanding task and the outcome may take little longer than expected but that should not mean that you become frustrated and show your weaker side. If you did show frustration it may work against you and chances are that the client may get the upper hand and you have to negotiate under their terms.
2. Start the discussion on the right note
Many times before the start of negotiation with big clients you feel intimated by their sheer demands and requirements. But that should not be a deterrent to start your discussion on a right note. Start the discussion by exchanging pleasantries and steer the conversation to the needs of the clients and the benefit it will offer. Build a faith bridge between client and yourself and show them that you are trustworthy and they can depend upon you for any size of deal. Once a genuine faith is established then you can negotiate better
3. Do not expect the sky
The person with whom you are negotiating does not have any idea about you and your expectation so it is important that whatever you negotiate let it be rational. For instance suppose your company offers software product and services and customer wants to avail your services only then expecting them to go for your product is somewhat distracting and chances are there that they may even not go the service also.
4. Keep solution ready for their problem
This one is very important if you want to be a great negotiator then you need to take care of the needs of your clients. When your client is asking for solution to their problem then you should not be scrambling for answers and telling them that you will get back to them rather prepare yourself with all set of possible solutions that may be required by the client depending upon the nature of their business. This will help you to take lead in the discussion and gain a top position during negotiation.
5. Take charge
During negotiation always make the first move, rather than waiting for others to start the discussion. Your active participation and lead you to some surprise outcome. According to Adam D. Galinsky and Roderick I. Swaab in their book “Negotiation” say that the final outcome of a negotiation is influenced by who makes the first offer.
6. Give a time bound offer
Whenever you have something great to offer, it may be heavy discount on product or services, some freebies etc then during negotiation make sure that it is time limited. This will make the decision process of customer faster and gives you upper hand during negotiation.
7. Always be cheerful
Sometimes negotiation can be a success and sometimes it can be a failure, but this thing should never make you feel sad. A great negotiator is always optimistic about the future deals and keeping yourself confident helps you win larger and bigger deals.