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  • Blackberry India CEO quits after the launch of Z10
 altBlackberry is having a big roller- coaster ride, first it was with the launch of Z10 and now it has some internal issues with Blackberry India’s management. After the launch of Blackberry Z10 in India the BlackBerry India managing director, Sunil Dutt, has quit and now they are on a look out for a replacement. Till a new CEO is found, Executive vice president for global sales, Rick Costanzo will temporarily fill this position. Blackberry is facing some tough competition from Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android, and the falling share price and number of users is testimony to the fact that Blackberry has a long way to go to prove their mettle. Indian is an important market for Blackberry to grow and accelerate the momentum of sales but with the exit of Sunil Dutt, the scenario does not look encouraging.
During one of the interview with The Hindu published on March 7, Mr. Dutt said that recent launch of Blackberry Z10 has been received with great enthusiasm by Indian people and that the sales has been more than expected. This led to increase their sales forecast up to 40% after seeing some good response from other markets. According to him Blackberry Z10 will be a game changer and will create whole new eco-system for BB10 users. His exit comes at a time when the Canadian phone maker is struggling to gain the lost market share.
Couple of year’s back Indian government was putting too much pressure on Blackberry maker to help them monitor communication between BlackBerry devices due to high level encryption. Ultimately Blackberry relented and on 2011 they set their server in Mumbai. With the exit of Sunil Dutt Blackberry’s prospect in Mumbai will be dented for a brief period.