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  • Daily Habits that will make you happy
altMaking everyday routine is not cool anymore. People need change in their lives so that they can be happy and make most of their time. Your happiness determines how successful you are and to be happy everyday you need to make some minor changes in your everyday routine. Trying to bring changes in your personal and professional life can make you happy. 
Below are the list of changes that you need to incorporate into your daily life to bring about the healthy dose of happiness.
1. Expect form yourself
Expectation is powerful but it should be form yourself and not form other person. Because when you have expectation from yourself you try to achieve it and that will make you happy on the other hand if you have expectation form other person you will be disappointed if that person does not fulfill it. Every morning expecting to do something good feels great and when we accomplish it we are happy.
2. Offer a gift to everyone
Gift does not always mean a material thing rather it can be a smile, word of thanks or encouragement, a polite gesture, a friendly conversation. Whenever you pass people who are less fortunate then be kind and generous to them. This will give you a peace of mind makes your day cheerful and happy.
3. Trust on people
Trusting on everyone is very hard but that should not come in your way of everyday happiness. Trusting people help you establish a bond with them and that will help you to know that person better. This is also true with our friends and family. When we trust them we establish a bridge of faith with them and that leads to share things with them and helps in reconciliation.
4. Health is wealth
This proverb is so much prevalent that it has almost become a cliché. But the fact is that those who are healthy are always happy. Your physical well-being is equally important as your mental well being. In healthy body resides a peaceful mind. Now, keeping yourself in good shape can bring smile on your lips every day.
5. Do not worry about future
Most of the people are simply worried about their future and this cause unnecessary worry. The best thing would be to stop worrying about future and concentrated on the present. Those who do not worry about future lead happy life than their counterparts those who worry.