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Strategy With Technology

  • 11 Common Security mistakes at workplace
altSecurity of your confidential data and expensive products are of important concern at workplace. Sometimes security mistakes happen involuntary and sometimes because we don’t know the basic rules. Below are the compilations of useful and practical rules of Common Security mistakes at workplace.
1. Open computer
Open computer is very common that happen at workplace. When you leave your desk and forget to lock your computer and some important application or detail is open then someone snooping on you can get the detail information. It can be about travel expenses or other corporate financial information.
How to avoid:  Though it is not practical to constantly keep on locking the PC or close down applications. In such cases you can minimize the application or any crucial documents while moving away from the computer. You can also set an auto-lock time for your screensaver. This can help you greatly.
2. Sticky notes pasted across monitor or notice board with sensitive information
Remembering all the password is a herculean tasks and to remember it most of you write it down on sticky notes and that’s not all. Some of you go a step ahead and stick on their monitor or at the corner of their desk. Even scribbling passwords, bank detail on sticky note for sake of remembering is not advisable, because industrious criminal or hacker could use them to gain access to private accounts.
How to avoid: Use a simple memory system to keep passwords straight. Your password should be such that it should be easy to remember but hard to crack.
3. Confidential documents
In an official environment there are various types of confidential documents. Companies Expense reports, price quotation, NDA, client contracts are some of the common types of documents that should not be left out for all eyes to see. Proprietary information is the kind of information a competitor would love to get their hands on. Documents which are left out in open overnight can be an easy takeaway for house keeping people or outside contractors who may want capitalize this movement with their ulterior motive.
How to avoid: Put away confidential and sensitive paperwork or document in a locked file or drawer when you're not working on it.
4. Forgotten printer document
This is common and happen many times and most of them due to ignorance. We give a print command for some important prototype, financial results, and contract document and forget to collect the printed document. These documents are very crucial and are private to the company or the user. 
How to avoid: Always remember to retrieve all documents from the printer immediately after giving the print command and store them in an appropriate, secure location.
5. Documents in waste bin
We seldom give it a thought before discarding unused documents in the waste bin. Sometimes the document may not be useful to you but it may contain old data about the company, its financial status, product launches, bank information etc. This information can be useful to any fraudster or competitor who can put you in trouble. 
How to avoid: Before you discard any documents shred it properly and then dispose it.
6. Unattended SmartPhone
Most of the time we leave our phone unattended while going for some refreshment, washroom, or a brief discussion this may allows anyone to glance at the phone. So if you get a text message from someone which you don’t want to share then leaving a phone in open is not a right thing to do.  
How to avoid: Take your smartphone when you are away from your desk. Always lock your phone with strong password to prevent compromise.
7. Keys
Keys that open doors to server rooms, document storage, or other places should not be left out in open. Sometimes leaving car keys left unattended for long can give car thief to steal your car from the parking lot.
How to avoid: Store keys in your pocket, purse or a secured place.
8. Bag sitting out
A bag left unattended for long is not a good idea. Your bag may contain important documents, electronic devices, wallet, corporate documents, etc. Chances are there if someone may find it without its owner they can put their hands on it.
How to avoid: Always keep your bag in a secure place. If it contain valuable then keep it in your arm’s length.
9. Easy access to files and folders
At office we keep all the important documents or files in the locker or cabinet. Many times we may close the locker or cabinet but fail to lock them. This may give easy access to thief or unauthorized person to get your hands on the files or folders.
How to avoid: The storage area, cabinets or drawers should be locked and kept.
10. Vulnerable USB stick
USB drives have become a sort of necessities in every offices but leaving it unattended on the desk can make it vulnerable. It can cause potential threat as fraudster can copy important data of the company, proprietary information that might be valuable to a competitor. All the thief need is grab the USB drive and stick it in his pocket.
How to avoid: USB drive when not in need should be locked up in a secure place.
11. Whiteboard covered with writing
This is common in most of the offices especially in their conference or training rooms. Whiteboard sometimes may have names of the client and other financial figures that you may not want to fall on the competitor’s hand.
How to avoid: Clean the whiteboards after training, discussion or meeting. Never keep information on the whiteboard to some snoop on it.