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Strategy With Technology

  • is in world’s top 50K websites
altThere are millions of websites on internet as of 2012 and to be precise the number is approximately around 644 million or 644,275,754 websites as noted by research firm Netcraft. This is a huge number even under modest estimation and the number is growing exponentially and no doubt in couple of years it will cross the 1 billion mark. In this huge crowd of websites it becomes imperatives for companies to make their presence felt to their users through SEO or social media usage.
Convergence IT services is a web and application development company located in India it was founded in the year 2008 and today in 2012 it has created a niche market for itself in website development and website maintenance category. Apart from this the company also offers enterprise collaboration software called uknowva and Convergence Support Desk, a website maintenance services. In a short span of four years the company has shown tremendous performance in growth and profitability. When Convergence IT Services was launched the website was ranked in millions globally and even in India it was ranked in lakhs but through our continuous effort to bring the best to our customer we were able to achieve the feat of being top 50K website in the world today. In India we rank top 7K websites and in Mumbai we are top 600 websites. This may not seem a feat initially but when we compare it with other big names which have ranking in lakhs even today after a decade of launching then it does make sense. Today Convergence IT Services serves more than 400 plus customers in India and around the globe.
The webiste ranking is the testimony that we are reaching to people far and wide but our constant endeavor is to further strengthen our website ranking by taking it to more and more users across the world. We strongly believe that superior products combined with unmatched services will help customer offer value to very money they spend.
Check out the latest Alexa ranking of at