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  • 4 Quick SEO Tips
altSearch Engine optimization helps your website rank higher in the search result making it visible to people about your product and services. Though everyone tries SEO but not everyone get the same result hence to make the most of this SEO below are the 4 quick tips that will helps you to get more Clicks and page views which will ultimately helps in more sales and more profits.
1. Great Youtube video gives great results
Youtube is a great source for large number of video collections on various subjects. Though it is quite obvious that youtube can give you much needed eyeballs and if this platform is exploited in a right manner it can bring great results. PSY Ganganman video went viral and within couple of months it hit a billion views now that are highest till now for any video. If you have product and services making a youtube video for that can give you more clicks and pageviews. If you are a start-up or small and medium company then this is a very affordable and effective medium. A video with metatags and links to your site greatly helps in your SEO effort.
2. Create a Controversy
Creating a controversy is a great way of keeping people interest. People click more on links that leads them to controversial topics. But it is very important to choose what type of controversy you are creating. Many media and entertainment industry do it and become the trending topic on internet. This technique comes with some amount of risk but again no there is no gain if you don’t take any risk.
3. Let celebrities endorse your content
If you want to generate large web traffic while launching your product or services then think of any celebrity endorsing it on social platform sites like twitter or facebook this will give you much needed traction. When someone famous talks about your products then it does create an interest among the users. If more and more people visit to read the content then it does improve your search page rank. Once Tim O'Reilly shared a link on Google Plus for some article and within hours, the article had 10,000 page views.
4. Be Active on Social Media
 This is somewhat self-explanatory when millions of people are on social networking sites it does make sense to be active on them so as to catch large number of eye-balls. Today more and more fortune 500 companies are showing their presence on social media and making most of it. It is one of the affordable and most effective ways of getting more eye-balls and plenty of page views.