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Strategy With Technology

  • Indian Application Software Development in a Growth Spree

Gartner, a premiere market research firm, expects the Indian Application market will reach to a staggering $227 million in the fiscal year 2012 that is 22.6 percent increment from 2011. Gartner did a detailed study of Indian Application Development market and came out with this interesting report that will boost the confidence of many star-ups and SMEs whose core activities are application development. According to Gartner the main drivers for the growth is the enhanced software delivery model, emergent of new technologies, wide acceptance of open source software and emerging mobile and tablet application development platform.

With more and more people using mobiles and tablets to carry on their everyday business as well personal activities the demand for application development will see growth in the coming years. The other emergent segment of cloud computing is enterprise social software which also has seen a growth in recent years, though the adoption is slow in this field but it will soon accelerate once it gets a good foothold in the Indian market. The demand has pushed application development to be more robust, highly secure and instantly scalable by using latest software architectures, programming languages and solid business model. The report “Market Trends: Application Development Software, Worldwide, 2012-2016”, says that the adoption of cloud technology is rising among the small and medium enterprises due to its cost effective solution, high scalability and speed of deployment of new applications.  The report further says that almost 90% of the large scale enterprise and government agencies will use one or the other form of cloud services by 2015.
This upward trend is pushing application development vendor to sell their existing or new product and services through the cloud and making most of the opportunity. Cloud services allow for quick deployment offers high user experience and delivers great cost advantage over the conventional model. Gartner further predicts mobile and tablet application development project with outnumber the conventional PC application development with a huge margins of 4:1 by the year 2015. Even today data security on cloud tops the worries of most of the large enterprise CIOs and many vendors are taking this on priorities basis to fill the gap of security hole. Once security issue is addressed it will boost the confidence in the CIOs allowing them to migrate to cloud computing.
The trend of using tablet instead of laptop is another key driving factor for the growth of application development in the enterprise sector. Large companies CIOs believe that by 2013 almost 20 percent of their workforce will be using tablet and the need for application software will only increase in the coming years. The quality of the open source and its wide acceptance in the large organization has allowed many application development start-ups to thrive on the opportunity and Gartner believes that this will invariably put pressure on the large companies in the coming 3 to 5 years. The success of Eclipse and NetBeans has given a tremendous scope for the small software providers to make most of this opportunity and register a growth in this segment through innovative products and services.