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Strategy With Technology

  • Don't do these mistakes on Linkedin

Linkedin is extensively used by professionals all over the world to connect, share and communicate. This is one of the finest medium available on the internet that can be used by professionals to accelerate their careers. Yet only handful of professional have actually reaped its benefits, experts say lot of people are making some grave mistakes in the use of linkedin due to which they are not able to use this No.1 social platform for professional use effectively. Here are some of the most commonly committed mistakes.

1.Using linkedin as a job searching medium
Linkedin is for professionals and offers great opportunities for them in their careers but using this platform only when you are looking for job is a not the right way to make the most of it. Always keep your profile active and updated rather than doing it only during the time of job hunting.
2.You don’t have a complete updated profile
Many people create their account in linkedin but fail to complete the profile with relevant information. This incomplete profile do no good for you and neither your company. Linkedin helps you in completing your profile by showing a blue bar on the top right side that allows you judge the percentage of your profile is complete. Incomplete profile on linkedin is as good as you don’t have a profile.
3.Belonging to the wrong group
Linkedin has hundreds of groups and choosing the right one can make a significant difference. Joining the groups which is related to your interest, job or hobby can be very useful. You can be a part of your alumni group, school group, local community group etc. This way you can exchange a lot of important and valuable information with everyone in the group.
4.Not sharing important knowledge based content
Being passive is not going to help you in anyways you have got be collaborative while using this platform. If you have nice piece of informative articles then you can share that on linkedin and let other read and share too. You can also share important links, and blogpost or white paper of your company. When people get access to rich content, chances are there you might end up with potential leads for your business.
5.Not increasing your network
 Making new connections is the essence of social networking sites and if we don’t to that then this platform will not serve the right purpose for which it is built. Just making a connections with few know people won’t help much either. Keep adding and request for new connections to the people who you know both professionally and personally.
6.Not making your team a part of this platform
As a CTO it is not advisable for you ask your employees to join facebook but you can certainly encourage your team to create an account in Linkedin as it a place for professionals to share and connect with each other. It creates a network of like-minded people who may share a common interest towards their work. It is good to see a marketing analyst in the company is connected to vice-president of products.