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Strategy With Technology

  • Make your Mobile Website more User-friendly

If you have a mobile website then following some of the recommendations or best practices provided by Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) can take you long way in gaining more traffic and making your website user-friendly. The below seven recommendations are simple yet offers great ways to offer user-friendly version of your websites for mobile phone users.


1. Use of Redirects Code

Whenever a user access your website on a mobile phone then a redirect code gets activated and takes the person to mobile friendly version of your website. Hence it is very important for your developer to implement this code so that the users get best of the web-experience. Also, it is very important to keep in mind that we need to offer a choice for the users whether he wants to go back to the desktop version or wants to stick with the mobile version. Giving the freedom and flexibility is the key to keep users coming back for more.

2. Great Speed equals Great user-experience

Today internet is easily accessible on mobile phones but one thing that annoys user is the speed it takes to load web pages. Though it depends on the internet speed but it also depend on your website. Flash websites are heavy and needs 3G internet connection to open or stream, and other badly optimized websites are also difficulty to browse over the mobile phone. So it is very important to design mobile friendly website, it is also important to offer them easy to read material in bullet points rather than in paragraph.

3. Smooth and flawless user-experience

Users are always in a hurry and they need the information they are looking for instantly. So it is up to us how we do it and offer them seamless experience. Offering them online tools like an option to save popular and frequently used searches and shopping cart is a great way to help them get what they want. Giving them easy access to key features like comparison and pricing also helps to get the right information.

4. Accessibility and compatibility

With technology changing everyday it is important for your mobile website to be future proof and should be compatible across all mobile devices. The other important thing that you need to consider is making your website accessible by finding new replacement for the older technology like replacing flash with nice images, use of HTML 5 to develop interacting websites without sacrificing on its performance.

5. Colors of success

Unlike desktop screen mobile phone screens are smaller and hence the mobile version of your website should have user friendly colors in the layout as well as text. The text should be easy to read even in bright light or low light. The 3D effects for buttons give it a raised appearance making it easier for the users to recognize and using colors to indicate button priority adds to the advantage for the users. The text and design color should be used in such a way that the users should be able to read it without pinching or zooming.

6. Navigation

Keeping the navigation to minimum saves time of the users and offers them loads of information. The three click policy is the way to go it is simple and highly efficient. Keeping the scrolling to vertical and avoiding rollovers is important. Having a search box, following a clearly defined hierarchy in menus, and keeping fewer links in a page is greatly helps in navigation.

7. Rule of Thumb

Users use thumb to operate their mobile devices as it is convenient and easy to use. So designing your website which can be easily interacted with using thumb can work to your advantage. To make this a success one has to use large and block like buttons, with proper spacing so that there is no accidental clicks happens at the time of browsing. Strategically placing categories of products and services to browse with the help of thumb will also work to your advantage.


So, by using the recommendations mention here you can surely get a good start in the development of superior mobile friendly website. Just keep in mind the rate at which people are adopting mobile phones, very soon it will outnumber desktops and hence this is something no one can neglect for long.