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Strategy With Technology

  • Joomla V/s Wordpress V/s Drupal

There are plenty of articles written on open source CMS like Joomla, Wordpress and Drupal explaining about their merits and demerits. With advent of open source Content Management System the web world changed completely for good and today it has become must-have for every start-ups and small businesses. In the coming days you may find more information regarding this subject but I would like to put my views here in a crisp and brief form – what I believe the key difference between the three CMS are and how can you choose best for your company.

We are going to take four parameters on which we will evaluate all these CMS they are, 1) Scalability 2) Security 3) Ease for User 4) Ease for developer, though there can be more parameters than these but I am mostly concerned about this when choosing a open source CMS. You can have your depending upon you need and requirements. 
Parameters Joomla Wordpress Drupal
The world is moving faster so is the technology and when it comes to open-source it is no different. Joomla is a latest addition in the list of open source CMS along with Wordpress and Drupal. In a short period of time it has achieved tremendous success and has helped millions of website run on it.
For any business to grow scalability is the key ingredient to its success, whether in the technology they are using or the Management practices. When scalability is considered Joomla is way ahead in the race but behind Drupal the robust technology used in Joomla allows it to scale further depending upon your requirements. 
Wordpress is one of the most favorite open source CMS of all time it is widely used by bloggers and star-ups. Wordpress was the first open-source CMS which was used on mass scale by users all over the world. Since it was build to offer a seamless platform for bloggers and start-ups it lacks the scalability required by large companies and businesses. Hence it terms of scalability Wordpress has a long way to go. Drupal came to picture in the early 2000 and has made a remarkable success story of itself. Drupal is an open source CMS, which allows you to create and manage dynamic websites. Today hundreds and thousands of websites are powered by Drupal, built on robust technology Drupal has high Scalability feature. Large businesses can easily leverage the power of Drupal and scale their businesses.
Security One of the main reasons in choosing any open source CMS should be its security feature and Joomla score more points in this regard when compared to Wordpress. The robust security features implemented in Joomla offers extended security from hackers and unauthorized access.  Though Wordpress is the one of the highly used open source CMS but when it comes to its security it is not as advanced as Joomla and Drupal. There are vulnerabilities that allows the entry of unauthorized access to your websites but by implementing latest security measures the security threat can be brought back to minimal. Drupal CMS offers one of the best security measurements among the open-source CMS platforms. With their periodic release of its updated version users can get rid of any bug or loop holes. 
Ease for user One of the main reasons why people use CMS is because it is easy to use and maintain compared to proprietary and html based websites. Though Joomla offers solid built-in mechanism for content management system it becomes quiet technical when it comes to maintain heavy sites. People with almost no technical knowledge can use Wordpress as a professional because of its simple easy to use back-end interface. Worldwide millions of people are creating their own blog or start-up website using Wordpress and without any technical knowledge. One of the robust and highly secured open source CMS is not that user friendly in terms of its back-end interface. When developing high end websites people can get intimated by its complexity and hence having some amount of technical knowledge always help to use Drupal. Hence when compared for ease for user with Wordpress and Joomla, Drupal comes last.
 Ease for Developers For Developers working with Joomla is a real delight. Everything in Joomla come structured making it more easy and accessible. Though training is required in Joomla but the flexibility that it offers helps developers to achieve more by developing plugins, applications, extensions etc. Developers require minimal training to work on wordpress and it offer plenty of flexibility to experiment with. Wordpress scores highly in terms of Ease for Developers when compared to Joomla and Drupal. Developers do love to work on Drupal but learning curve is longer. The overall administration pages and menus are numerous, not intuitive and complex. In addition to that some functionality you might expect requires multiple interacting modules, and learning to setup and administer them. Hence in terms of ease for developers Drupal comes behind wordpress and Joomla.