Corporate Blog

Strategy With Technology

  • Change 5 things to improve your website

Today, almost every business has their own websites and with ever increasing demand the website numbers are on the rise. But with millions of websites on the internet vying for eye-balls launching your website in the crowd and looking for people to visit it is a herculean task. But if few tips and techniques are taken into consideration while doing the websites chances are great that your website can stand out in the crowd and can actually be face for your company on the on-line world. A decade back it was a matter of prestige to have a website for the company and that too only few companies went for that but today technology has advanced so much that launching a basic website only takes few minutes. But launching a website and spending money on pay-per-click advertising or search engine optimization does not guarantee a 100% result. All you need to do is some basic tweaking of the website, and you are good to go. Some of the five basic changes that can add visitors and potential customers to your list include.

1. Redesigning your Submit button
Humans by nature are lazy, they like to do minimum and want to get maximum. We can take advantage of this nature of human and design our submit button in such a way that it gives maximum information without going through laborious process of multiple clicks. A recent survey conducted by some prominent company offered important clues in this regard. The three click policy works here better, so design and make your submit button such that it help people get more without doing more.
2. Headline on the Initial Page
This is very important for a website design but seldom people give any thought to it. Visitors do get motivated by the headlines on the page and if you put short, snappy headline and tell the story along with a value proposition, then you have hit the bull’s eye. You have to grab the eyes of people who visit your website and since people are always want of time its better you start at the very beginning. Being too much creative, and writing something people can’t associate with can work to your disadvantage. Avoid jargons and stick to the basic rule of KISS.
3. Keep the Navigation to Minimum
Keeping your website navigation to minimum always help in getting more attention and visitors. Giving to-the-point information is the important rather than giving too many options and too many things to read. If people are distracted and confused they won’t think twice before hitting the back button. Other than that we must keep in mind to put important content on the main part of the page.
 4. Keep you content short
Generally people don’t like to read long text and pages filled with more information than it is required. So instead of writing lengthy paragraph it is always wise to jot down your important point in bullet format. This makes content easy to read and understand.
5. Picture indeed speak thousand words
Adding pictures to your website can work wonders. Picture should speak something about the business you do. Just any random picture will not make the connection with the people. Adding images break the flow of the text and gives a welcome eye relief. 
There are many more things one can do to improve the website but implementing the above five points help you see the world of improvements. So if you have not implemented these changes and are looking forward to do so then go ahead and make it right away!