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Strategy With Technology

  • To be great leader do these four things better!

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” This words of John Adams, perfectly illustrates that a leader is not the one who leads by authority but a leader is one inspires others to dream and achieve. Leaders are mentors and role model for many, their attitude and style define the impression they make among the people. Leaders are not any average guy they are distinguished personalities and have some common traits among themselves. The leaders have four important characteristics which they utilize to their maximum.

1)Time is Money
This is an old saying but it still holds true. Leaders know this and hence they follow strict time management. They always utilize their time in such a way that the productivity level is highest. Everyone equally has 24 hour in their hands but leaders achieve more compared to others. They start their day early, their events are scheduled, they have a proper to-do-list and always keep their work-desk clear of clutters. A busy man find times for everything that is how a leader manages everything effectively even after being busy.
2)Setting Priority Matters
 Leaders are always focused but focusing on right thing is what makes them different.  They prioritize their work and attend to the one which is of utmost important. Prioritizing things is a key in focusing on important things and this also helps in time management of the leaders. They are always clear about what they want to do and plan accordingly.
3)Crisis management
Someone has rightly said, “Crisis reveals what you are”. Even great leaders have to go through dark times in their lives and during this time of crisis one gets to know the real test of leader. Even in crisis leader do not lose sight of the goal and keeps his priority straight. They think clearly and quickly to get out the situation at the earliest. This is one of the most important aspects of leaders, which they manage very effectively. This steadfast way of managing crisis and coming out of it with a solution makes leader what they are.
Ideas are cheap and everyone has plenty in numbers, even leaders have but how to make a proper plan of it and execute is not everyone’s cup of tea. Leaders differentiate themselves from average people through the way they execute their plans.
All though different leader shows different traits of leadership but these are common to most of them. If you want to be one of the best then do make a point to sharpen above mentioned skills.