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Strategy With Technology

  • 5 Ways to Create Passionate Work culture in Your Company

Establishing a passionate work culture in your company requires a long-term viability and unwavering dedication to change the traditional way of thinking. With attrition rate at all time high retaining fresh and experience talent is a need of the day. Many successful businessmen had created a culture of honesty, freedom, equality, innovation and more importantly success that led them to achieve more in their businesses.  Though it is not easy but if one follows few rules then they can create a rich and passionate work culture in their organization.

1. Sail with right people
When you start your company the first thing you should do to make it successful is to hire right people with passion and commitment for job. The work experience should count second and credentials should be ranked third. Don’t be in a hurry to grab the best technical people in the market to join your company rather take time to look for a people who share same though and value that you do. Ask right questions that are relevant to the company’s work culture. This gives you an idea what kind of people you are choosing to be a part of your company and how much he will contribute towards creating a vibrant and energized culture at the company.
2. No barrier communication
Lack of communication causes misunderstanding and that creates plenty of issues and problems in the company. So after getting right people onboard the next step is to openly communicate with them and know their latent potential, which you can utilize. To develop a fertile and prospering culture you need to get to root cause of problem if there is any and rectify them at the earliest. Making people comfortable and giving them opportunity to express themselves is a one of the important steps in establishing a passionate work culture in the company.
Communication is always inclusive it does not mean only talking and giving suggestion it also involve listening to people around you. Listening to the world around your business can offer greater insight to create right balance of passionate culture in the work environment.
3. Create a fun quotient
Doing what you love and enjoying it goes a long way in creating a passionate work culture. The traditional 40 hours week work culture is losing it shine, now people are making most of their work through flexible working hours. When hard work of people is acknowledged and rewarded with recognition and recreation it helps create a good atmosphere in the company among the work force.
4. Retain the smartest
To create a passionate corporate work culture we need to retain smartest people around us but at the same time we need to get rid of people who do not contribute to the growth of the company and those who are whiners. Constructive criticism is healthy and helps but relentless complaining is toxic. Getting rid of people of this kind at the early stage is adds to the advantage in creating a good and energetic work culture.
5. Aim for the Sky
Being ambitious is one the prerequisite thing that is required to create healthy and passionate work culture in the organization. When you share your company’s ambition with your people and invite them to be a part of it you will see drastic change in the dynamics of the persistent culture at the work place. The powerful ambitious beliefs drive the change and bring amazing results for your company.