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Strategy With Technology

  • Dharmendra Sachan - Where there is a will there is a way!

When life gives you lemon, make lemonade out of it” not many people are aware of this proverb and those who know for them it can make a sense. It means that if life hands you an adversity then make an opportunity out of it. I know it is easier said than done but there are people who have made a life changing transformation from their adversity and one of them is Dharmendra Sachan, chief knowledge officer of Export-Import Bank of India. Today he doesn’t need any introduction and has created a niche for himself in the society as a motivation and inspiration to many. There are plenty of things one can learn from him like unwavering determination and strong will-power.

Adversity struck Dharmendra Sachan at the tender age of seven when he lost his left leg and it became a turning-point of his life. Any other person could have rendered crippled at this misfortune but not Dharmendra. After the initial pain, anguish and resentment he took his fate in his stride and instead of brooding over his past he decided to come out as winner. This constant drive to lead a fit and healthy life like others made him see the world in different perspective. Even in pain he encouraged himself to take part in various outdoor activities in university, society or corporate events. His passion for sports like badminton and marathon helped him win numerous awards and accolades at various prestigious events.
Dharmendra is a commerce graduate and holds masters degree in library and info science. His love for computer and technology had led him to pursue a diploma course in computer from NIIT. After studying Dharmendra started his career at Indian Institute of Health Management Research (IIHMR), Jaipur in the year 1991 and after working there for a brief period he joined LibSys Corporation, a software company in Delhi. During his stint there he automated more than 75 small and large libraries in India, South East Asia and Central America a significant achievement in such a short period of time. Later in 1997 he joined Export-Import Bank of India as a deputy manager and moved upwards to become chief knowledge officer and till date have been associated with this organization. Dharmendra believes in team collaboration and the support he got from his senior managements has helped him a lot in his endeavor.
 Education is just for means but the real passion lies in extracurricular activities like sports, which he showed from the very young age. Though initially he was not keen on cycling but the determination to stay fit, active and healthy he started to do cycling. Later he found out that he has started to enjoy cycling more and more and had a knack for it.  He bought his first cycle in the year 2009 and later upgraded it to a professional version the Firefox Road Pro and took part in the cyclothon every year thereafter and came in 4th and 6th place respectively. One of the finest moments he experienced was when he got chance to meet his favorites Brevets de randonneurs mondiaux. Dharmendra feels grateful to his fellow cyclist Anil ukhil who pumped lot of motivation and inspiration into him to achieve excellence. After facing countless challenges in the early phase of his life today Dharmendra has become more humble and enjoys life to its fullest.
For Dharmendra his family is his pillar of strength. His wife and two daughters are always supportive of him and encourage him to participate in various cycling events. He has been taking part in marathon races to test his limit and has always exceeded his own expectations. Dharmendra is religious and is a believer of destiny but he also advocate people to believe in themselves and keeping working hard to reach their goals. This is not just a mere story but a real-life practical anecdote from the life of a person who indeed proved, “where there is a will there is a way”.