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Strategy With Technology

  • 7 ways to be super productive at work

1.Take breaks – It helps to refresh you

Many executives do not follow this basic fact of life – taking periodic break at work, you cannot work longs hours at stretch and accomplish higher productivity. Though people do love to relax and chill but during office hours they don’t get the luxury of to do so. Instead of long breaks they can take short breaks and do some simple walking, some stretching, breathing some fresh air. This helps blood flow, makes you fresh and helps you restart your work with new energy. Just take 10-minute break every 2-hour and your productivity will increase dramatically.
2. Organize your work desk 
When you go to office and first thing you see is your unkempt desk, what is the first thought that runs in your mind? How do you feel all the files you are working on lies scattered around? Does it inspire you to work in that environment? The answer is a big no, because our mind sees everything in order and likes things to be in an organized way.  So when we encounter the clutter on our desk we cannot prioritize things that we want to do and hence low-productivity. So keeping things in order and decluttering your desk and work wonders in our work.
3. Start early to achieve more
 Early bird catches the worm goes the saying so does those who start their day early make most of the day. When you start you work early you accomplish more than those who start work late in the day. The early morning refreshes you to achieve higher productivity.
4. Focus on the task at hand
Doing multiple things at a same time can lead to waste of time and energy making us less productive. Instead focusing on one thing at a time and getting it done and moving with another work can helps deliver more. Today company is looking for people who can focus more and concentrate on this at hand rather than taking multiple things and achieving little. 
5. Relax yourself and Meditate
People think meditation is only for old and retire people but matter of fact is meditation is required more by young generation. In this fast paced world it is very important to relax and clam down to do achieve more at workplace. People who do regular meditation achieve higher productivity at their work and lead a healthy life too.
6. Power nap
Today people don’t get their 8 hours of compulsory sleep and as a result they tend to be more lethargic at workplace. But taking a power nap of 15 minutes can improve their work performance by more than 50%. This is a fact established by studies done by major medical research centers. Many great people used this technique to boost their everyday productivity at work and they been successful at it. Even you too can use this simple yet powerful method to achieve more at work.
7. Right snack, Light snack
Having a light and healthy snack at proper interval can give you much required stamina for long hours of work. Include protein and fiber rich foods in your snacks and embark on the road to good health. Avoid carbonated, spicy and oily food stuff rather switch to fruits and fruit juices and salads to enjoy good health. It helps to ward-off hunger, tiredness and keeps you active for rest of the day.