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  • 6 things you should know about Intel’s Ivy Bridge

Intel is a big daddy of PC chip maker and we all remember the “Intel inside” advertisement which made it all the more famous even among the non-geek populations. Intel commands lion’s share in the PC processor segment and still stand tall in the fierce competition from rival AMD. But resting on your past laurel for too long is a danger proposition and Intel knows this very well and as a result they invest heavily on R&D department to keep inventing new products. The latest offering from Intel is its third-generation Core processor, which is code named Ivy Bridge. This new processor promises to deliver better performance than its predecessor and offer superior graphics and power saving features. There are plenty of attributes that makes this processor special and superior from the earlier ones but the 8 prominent ones you should know, they are listed below:

1. Smaller is better: Ever since the first heavy and bulky computer came into existence, the race for developing smaller PC began. Intel processor helped the world with its fastest and smallest processor, with Ivy Bridge Intel has gone a step further in making smaller to smallest. This latest processor is built on 22nm architecture, the first processor in the world of this size. It seems for Intel smaller is better.
2. Latest transistor technology:  This latest processor from Intel seems to have undergone major haul with respect to its technology as it uses Tri-Gate transistor technology replacing the earlier two-dimensional "planar" design. This helps in reducing current leakage and offers better energy saving propositions.
3. More on performance and less on power: With its superior designing Intel Ivy Bridge offers benefit like more performance while drawing less power. An independent test conducted on this processor showed using only 30 watts of power when all its four-cores were pushed to the maximum limits. This number is less than what its immediate predecessor delivered.
4. Improved Graphics for everyday entertainment: This is a good news for gamers and regular users who heavily depend on PC for entertainment. Ivy Bridge chips comes with improved graphics as this processor uses Intel HD Graphics 2500 and 4000 and support state-of-the-art DirectX 11 rendering which makes it stands apart from the earlier version. As a hardcore gamers you may still need to purchase graphic card to play high-end games but with Intel HD graphics it is an advantage to you.
5. Life in fast lane: For ardent gamers even the best of graphics and processing speed seems little and hence to gain more speed with the processor they overclock it. Intel’s Ivy Bridge supports version 1.3 of Intel's Extreme Memory Profile along with override processing, graphics and memory. This allows variety of options to tweak the system performance. An independent test performed showed pushing the speed limit of this processor form 3.5GHz to 4.6GHz, this magnitude of speed really makes a gamer’s adrenaline rush. But the catch is you need supporting mother of higher series like Z75 express.
6. Slimmest notebooks on their way: The size of the processor plays a key role in the overall size of the notebook. The smaller and slimmer the processor the corresponding notebook is also slimmer. Remember Apple Macbook Air, it was possible all because of small size processor. So in due course of time we may see many more ultra notebooks featuring Intel Ivy Bridge processor.
All these things seem no-so-different because every new product does have certain advantages over the earlier ones. But one thing we must believe that more than reading about the features it is the actual use that will make all the difference.