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  • How to stay focused in the environment filled with distraction

Staying focused in a world which is filled with chaos and distraction is a herculean task. Legend says it “staying focused to your goal makes all the difference between your Successes and failure.” Yet few people have realized its importance over the course of time. Staying focused is necessary in both the areas of your lives whether it be professional or personal. People think to stay focused we may need learn various techniques and they strongly believe people who practice meditation can only achieve true focus. But all these are not true staying focused goes a long way than mere meditation.

In Walter Isaacson’s biography, Apple Inc co-founder Steve Jobs, said, “I began to realize that an intuitive understanding and consciousness was more significant than abstract thinking and logical analysis.” Like Steve many prominent and successful people believe that you need to make conscious effort to stay focused and there are few points when followed delivers exceptional results.
1. Pay Attention
It has been scientifically proved that our mind can do one thing at a time. This means if you pay attention to the present moment you can respond to the situation very well. Evan Williams, the co-founder of Twitter in their earlier days developed an internal document, which had a key topic Pay attention. He says, this was to realize oneself that “doing anything really well requires paying attention to what you are doing.” Evan Williams has been successful in his approach towards paying attention to things that are at hand. Steve Jobs tells Isaacson in his biography, “If you just sit and observe, you see how restless your mind is.” So if you really need to stay focused then pay attention to what you do.
2. Speak Less and Do More
An old proverb goes “Silence is golden and silver is speech”. May be this means talking less and doing more is important and is an integral part to stay focused. Now-a-days we have theoretical plans ready, what we are going do in next ten years but we lack practical plan of what we are going to do tomorrow or in week’s time. We have tons of information on which we can speak but not putting those things in action only makes the matter worse. So the day when you speak less and do more you will realize that your attention span has increased considerably so is you ability to stay focused.
3. Make your Mind Light – Remove the information Over Load
With internet revolution in its fully glory the amount of information available is immense and the urge to be ahead makes us consume whatever information we find. The result is overload of information, which at one time will be more of a disadvantage rather than advantage. So if you really want to stay focused then you have to empty your mind with unnecessary and redundant load of information. Many successful people take the route of meditation and mind calmness to reduce the information load and experience high focusing ability.
4. Eat healthy! Think Better!
Nourishing your body with healthy food and being physically fit helps you stay focused in your work. Old proverb says, Health is Wealth, and if people followed these words of wisdom it can greatly improve the people attempt to be active and think better.  No next time whenever you feel weak and energy less grab the healthy food and make yourself fit and stay focused.