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Strategy With Technology

  • Samung will soon launch flexible display

Half a century back Television Sets used to be bulky and power consuming and it showed black and white images. Even having one at home is considered a status symbol and only rich could afford this expensive gadget and then time changed so did the technology. With millions and billions of dollars going into R & D the television technology has come this far. After the black & white era came colour television followed by LCD or Liquid crystal Display. But the need of human is never ending and the quest to find better technology let companies to come out with LEDs, which consumed less power and offered razor sharp clarity.

Samsung is making itself ready to take leap to the next level of advanced technology by manufacturing flexible display which they claim will launch towards the end of 2012. From Samsung it has been made official, by launching YOUM brand, under which the flexible display will be made. This flexible display will be lighter, thinner, break-proof and long-lasting. This technology break through is possible because unlike conventional technology there is no glass substrate, which are prone to cracks and breaks. Samsung is a market leader in display and Smartphone category and it wants to maintain the leadership position in the midst of fierce competition from rivals Apple, Sony and LG. It is touted that this flexible display can last more than 1 lakh bending cycles. This technology will change the way we use tablet PCs and Smartphone. Soon flexible display will be part of our daily life and it will offer you tons of convenience to carry it anywhere, anytime.