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  • How to get Stress out of your Life!

Life is busy and everyone knows that! If you move slowly you will be left behind in the race of this competitive world. Everyone wants to win, succeed in life and lead a happy life ever after. In the pursuit of this so called winning the game of life we put our lives in risk and take unwanted and harmful stress. From the time we wake up in the morning to the time we go to bed we are surrounded by the stressful environment either at home or at office. And this result into stress which in long-run leads to hypertension and many heart diseases. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel to beat the stress and lead a healthy and fulfilling life.

Stress-free life in today’s environment is next to impossible, though it may seem exaggeration but there is an element of truth in it. But we can reduce stress, if not eliminate it, from our lives to a greater extent if we can change certain habits and our lifestyle patterns.
Below are some golden rules that can deliver result from day one if you follow them religiously:
Indentify stressors: This is one of the most important steps to get rid of stress from your life. Finding the root cause of stress or the things that cause stress helps you eliminate them at the onset.  Before starting your day make a list of people, activities, and things causing stress in your life and try to weed them out one by one. Not all of them can be eliminated, in that case, make it less stressful by finding an alternative way for the same. Like if you feel stressful to drive through thick morning traffic then you can choose another route to your office or if you feel stressful to get up in the morning then go to bed early at night etc.
Avoid unnecessary commitment: Giving commitment which you cannot fulfill causes unnecessary stress. We are full of commitments at any given time related to children, our spouses, parents and other family members, religious, hobbies, and more. And we rush to fulfill all these at a same time and fall victim to stressful life. Carefully consider each of them and say no to things for which you cannot honor the commitments. This way you can remove lots of unnecessary burden from your shoulder and lead a stress-free life.
Procrastination: This is common to everyone one of us. Doing things tomorrow what you can do today causes work to pile up and will stress us out. Do it now! should be one’s mantra to avoid stress caused by procrastination.
Multitasking: Performing multiple tasks at a same time might help you achieve a lot in less time but it is also a root cause that leads to unnecessary stress. Learning to organize along with proper time-management can make you more productive and focused. This way you can accomplish more without getting stressed.
Avoid negative people: If you take couple of minutes from your life to identify all the people in your life - bosses, coworkers, customers, friends - who make life miserable through their negative attitude. Instead of confronting them just cut them out of your life.
Simplify life: Simplifying your everyday routines, your commitments, your cluttered rooms and office desk, makes you less prone to everyday stress that arises out of these factors.
Make time for yourself: In this busy world we have got time for everyone except for ourselves. Take out time for yourselves, listen you your favorite music, watch some good movies, spend time with family, go shopping, enjoy a good afternoon nap, if you like cooking cook and serve your favorite dish. This way you will live moments that will be stress free and fulfilling.
Eat healthy and Exercise regularly: Those who follow these two things always lead a physically stress-free life. Eating healthy foods revitalize your life and give you strength to face each day with renewed freshness. A person who eats healthy and exercise regularly is better equipped to handle day-to-day stress than those who are poorly nourished and do not exercise.