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Strategy With Technology

  • How to Make Your Employees Happy?

Employees are the crux of any businesses and if the company wants to thrive and succeed in the ever growing competitive market place then they have to keep their employees happy and motivated. But it is easier said than done, with the changing times the needs of the employees have also undergone major changes. There was a time when just giving annual bonuses to the employees would make them very happy but not anymore. Monetary benefits still tops the priority charts but it is not enough to bring about the changes that we seek from the employees. So, what exactly a business owner can do to make employees happy!

There is no straight forward answers to it but yes, some of the below mentioned things can do wonders.
Show some faith and trust on your people
When you show faith on your employees it boosts their morale and helps them to give higher output. It has been proved repeatedly through major surveys that every person working in an organization needs to be trusted and given autonomy to complete the work which is allocated to them.
Award and Rewards
If you want to reward your employees for his or her achievement then you can get suggestion from the person itself and customized the reward as per his requirement. It can be a watch with his name inscribed on it, or the latest PSP or meal voucher of a famous nearby restaurant. This gives a personal touch and feeling to the rewards and they feel wanted in the organization.
On job Training
In an organization not every employee is alike some is good at sales, some marketing and others at management. Providing training for them as per their profile gives them confidence in their work and it helps yield better results.
Let them know you care
Asking a simple, “How are you?” can have a positive effect on an employee’s work performance. Asking about the well-being of their family members makes them feel happy and it shows on their everyday performance. It also shows your care towards them.
Lead by example
Just by telling your employees how to be happy at work is not enough but rather you should demonstrate it and be happy yourself at work. Show courage and care acknowledge both big and small achievements. Put forward positive attitude that will alleviate their confidence. 
This is just a tip of the ice-berg there are lot of things that you can do to keep your employees happy and motivated. So figure out the right way and implement it for the high-yield work performance.