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  • Can Money buy you Happiness?

Money is power! This statement may seem little over board but there is no denying that money is one of the most important thing that human being have ever invented on the Earth. There are plenty of literatures dedicated to this topic of how powerful money is and what it can do but there is no consensus among people about this. But here we are looking at whether money can buy you happiness? This seems more like philosophy rather than something we can have debate on. If you ask a saint what the role money plays in his life for his happiness and he will give you blank stare and then look skywards giving you indication that for him his god is more important that money. And since his needs are limited his happiness is not dependant on money he will say. But he is not speaking the universal truth because when you ask the same question to a businessman he will give you different answer likewise when you put this question in front of different people you will get different answers. Money can buy you any material possession it can take care of your medicines, your groceries etc. So can money buy happiness for you?


There is no way to measure the happiness with respect to the money you have. There are people who claim that if they get all the money in the world they will be happiest person on this Earth. How far this is true no one knows but surveys have been conducted world over to unearth the truth and the findings are astounding. The survey finally confirms that 50% of your happiness is directly linked to your genes, 40% to intentional activity and only 10% to material wealth. This finding clearly proves that money only account for 10% in your overall happiness. It is hard to believe this because we have been brought up in the environment where money is always associated with happiness and this has been conditioned in our mind. To support this claim, we can look at the happiness index. The richest country in the world United Kingdom is not the happiest country in the world rather it is Denmark whose GDP is far below than UK. In addition to that when research was conducted to find the status of richest persons in the happiest country the result was in accordance with the earlier finding, they were unhappy. This shows that though money plays important role in our lives but it account for only 10 percent of our happiness. So now when you are unhappy then you know who you have to blame?