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Strategy With Technology

  • Apple’s New iPad Break Sales Record!

The launch of new Apple products are big events in itself and its sales are even bigger ones. Ever since the launch of iPod way back in 2001, the launch of any of the Apple products has garnered much of the media fanfare around the globe. World over the Apple enthusiast eagerly wait to be the “first” to get hold of the new piece of toy. After every product launch the sales figure from Apple brought smiles across Wall Street and its investors.


After the successful launch of iPhone 4S last year, analyst were putting their bet on new iPad. To their surprise they were right, even this time the Apple sales zoomed like a spaceship. The recent figures released by AT&T put a record numbers close to 3 million, the new iPad sold in just three days, phew! If you put your high school mathematics to use then you will realize that Apple sold approximately 11 iPads every second, in these three days, that’s more the number of times you can blink your eyes in a second. This lightening speed sale of its products has put Apple in the league of world’s most valuable company with respect to its market capitalization and innovations.  The powerful specs of this new iPad with Full HD screen, Retina display, 4G capabilities along with sleek and stylish form factor has made it even more popular. When the sale of new iPad is taken into consideration then all the previous one week sales of iPad 1 and iPad2 seems not so significant. The analyst predicted slow and timid sales for new iPad but once again Apple has proved them wrong. When this new iPad will debut in India is still not known, but the good news for Indian customers is that the price for iPad 2 has dropped by couple of thousands. So, even if you can’t have a new iPad you still can relish on iPad 2.