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Strategy With Technology

  • Why Should you Care for Website Maintenance Plan?

Now-a-days getting a website is easy and quick. All you have to do is register a domain name purchase a hosting plan as per your requirement and find bunch of developers, designers and here you go! You are ready to roll with a brand new website.  Show the world you have arrived! For a week or two you will visit your website often and fix all the bugs. You will do online marketing, SEO, Google Adsense, affiliate marketing and dozens of other strategy to generate revenue from your website. At the end of the year when you sit down with the statistics to see how your website fared you will discover some amazing facts. You will be dismayed by the fact that your plan did not work out as it was suppose to be. So what may be the reason? Why did you fail In spite of employing some of the best marketing strategies? Why all the marketing mantras didn’t help you to generate money from your website?  This is not an anecdote but a fact that many SMB practice, some due to lack of awareness and some purposely. So what’s the way out? Let’s see in brief.


The fundamental reason why companies have web presence is to reach diverse customers across different geographies. And yes it is an easiest and quickest ways to reach large customers. The other compelling reason is it is cost effective when compared to traditional way of reaching customers like TV, Newspaper, Advertisment, Radio etc. The SMBs feel that just by having a website and with some online marketing they will hit the jackpot. What they forget is proper working and functioning of website is equally important during its course of online presence. As the website is hosted in remote server it is bound to face problems again and again, it may be shutdown due to maintenance work and multitude of others reasons that can affect smooth functioning of your website. More over with the changing world updating your website plays a crucial role in increasing your web-traffic. Having old redundant information not only will decrease you web-traffic but also let customer lose faith on your company. How many out there will visit a website that displays two-year old outdated information? Or how can you trust the website which shows inadequate information regarding its products, services and prices? In short there is trust deficit and hence customer finds it difficult to buy products or services from such website. So, one may ask is there any solutions for this problem? The answer is yes and it is affordable. It fits in everyone budget and requirement, whether it is a start-up or large organizations. Lets walk through what can we do to avoid such issues in the future.


Always go for website maintenance plan, whether your website is built on Joomla CMS or WordPress or any other platform. To offer solutions to SMBs and large organizations Convergence IT services has launched Convergence Support Desk – Professional Website Maintenance Service Plan. This plan comes in three forms Basic, Business, and Enterprise. Each plan is tailor-made to suit the budget and requirement of different companies for e.g.: -Basic Plan is ideal for start-ups, NGOs, Blogs, etc the Business Plan is ideal for Small and Medium Business, IT, BPO/KPO, Retail websites and the Enterprise Plan is best suited for e-commerce, News websites, large organization etc. By choosing anyone of the above plan you will save lot money and time. You will be able to concentrate more on important aspect of your companies’ core activities rather than maintaining website. Purchasing this plan helps you keep your website with latest technology updates and content.  It is indeed a small price to pay for the services that one gets. Depending on the freelancer or inexperienced people is not a prudent. If you want any information regarding this plan then please drop a mail or call at:

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