Corporate Blog

Strategy With Technology

  • How to Choose the Right Joomla Plan for your website?

When internet came into picture way back in 90’s the term website was sophisticated and the technology behind it was known to only bunch of people. Earlier websites were static and used mainly for research and file sharing purposes in the universities or large government organizations. At that time even owning a computer was regarded as a big thing let alone having a website. With the advancement of technology and open source tools it became easier for common man to take advantage of this technology. Now almost every business either small or big has their own websites or online presence in one or the other way. Developing website is one of the easiest ways to reach wider audience in a quickest possible way and make them aware of your product and services offering.


Though making website has become cost effective and within reach of everyone but equally important its maintenance and service support has become expensive. In India the trend of paying for maintenance support is remote and considered “unnecessary”, though this mindset is changing slowly and steadily. People think maintenance will cost the sky and hence they shy away from opting from it. However, to take this myth out of people’s mind Convergence Services has come out with Convergence Support Desk, it is a service plan for Joomla website. Purchasing this plan gives you multitude of benefits which include, cost and money saving, quick turnaround time for your problems, no downtime for your websites, expertise solution for your different web related issues and many more. What make this service plan more interesting is the different types and terms which allows you to choose the plan as per your budget and requirements.


We, at convergence services believe in giving the freedom to the customer to choose plan as per their preferences hence we made three plans namely, Basic, Business and Enterprise. For start-ups, blogs, NGOs and small retail website one can choose Basic plan, for small and medium businesses, BPO/KPO, ITES company website one can go for Business plan and for large organizations, huge e-commerce websites, NEWS portal etc can go for the Enterprise plan. Each plan comes in 3, 6, 12 months terms expect enterprise for which you can purchased even 1 month subscription. Going for this professional level plans allows you to concentrate on your core activities and leave the technical aspect of website maintenance with the experts. This way lot more can be achieved in your business by saving cost and getting quality services. For more information e-mail us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it