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Strategy With Technology

  • Payment plugins on Joomla Extension directory

Joomla is an award winning and one of the most popular open source Content Management System in the world. The Joomla community consists of four hundred thousand active members who offer their support with the queries and creation of new modules, themes, plugins etc. The simplicity coupled with robust features and up-to-date security has made it a preferred choice of millions. Basically Joomla consist of different elements of functionality which include Theme, Module, Component, Language and Plugin.  To make Joomla flexible and compatible with latest technology all this elements are regularly updated by the community members. The result is stunning software that has helped achieve online success to many corporate giants including ebay, GE and Citibank.


Convergence services offers dedicated Joomla website and software development services to small, medium and large organizations. Founded in the year 2008, today convergence services has created a niche for itself in the domain of Joomla software development, integration and customization. Joomla extension directory has more than 9,000, commercial as well as free extension listed in it. Recently Convergence service developed two commercial plugins for Joomla websites using Virtuemart 2.0 or EBS or CC Avenue as payment gateway. The plugin creates payment gateway integration of EBS or CC Avenue with Virtue Mart 2.0. The plugins has been a commercial success and one can purchase it even on at an affordable cost. In future convergence services will bring out more plugins to serve the vast Joomla community and have best of experience from the extensively used Joomla CMS.



EBS Integration kit for VirtueMart 2.0:
CC Avenue Integration Kit for VirtueMart 2.0: