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  • Professional Joomla Support by Convergence Services

Joomla is a world-famous award winning open source CMS (Content Management System). Joomla has helped individuals, small & medium-sized businesses, and large organizations worldwide to establish their online presence by creating stunning websites through this software and reaching their target audience far and wide. The beauty of this elegant yet sophisticated CMS lies in its open source nature that allows participation of thousands of community members to make Joomla a robust CMS. With core features, that can dwarf even the best of the proprietary CMS software available in the market, helps Joomla to maintain its leadership position in the open source CMS community. Some of the world famous websites powered by joomla include Citibank, Harvard University, Senso Interiors, MTV Networks, Linux etc.


Since Joomla is open source Content Management software it can be freely downloaded from its website and used to create powerful stunning and dynamic websites and useful web-applications. But once website is created it becomes a herculean task to find for a quality maintenance support service. The existing support system for Joomla is their community forum or through developers who have Knowledge of Joomla CMS. Both the channels have their pros and cons like if you turn to joomla community to find a solution for your queries then it becomes a time consuming affair and there is no guarantee that you will get answer to your problem through it, though it is free but not a good options for those who have online business running on Joomla website, where downtime should be close to zero. And if you go to a freelance developer to get support it becomes a costly affair and their technical expertise varies that again put you in a situation where you can expect limited support from them. For a start-up to spend huge amount of money on support is not a prudent thing to do. So what is a way out? Where should people looking for professional joomla support service go? With only handful of companies offering Joomla professional services it becomes difficult to find the right maintenance and support provider. 


To get over this problem and offer quality, timely and affordable Joomla maintenance and support Convergence services has launched Convergence Support Desk – A professional joomla maintenance and support services. This support service for Joomla comes in three plans Basic, Business and Enterprise each plan is tailor-made to suit the different needs of users. This professional service plan offers you freedom to choose your plan with different terms like quarterly, half-yearly and yearly. The plans are designed and priced by keeping your requirements and budget in mind. All you need to do is choose a plan and term as per your need and make the payment online. Once the payment is done you will receive an e-mail with username and password and you are ready to go! It’s that simple and convenient! The support is mostly through “Support Ticket”, and in some exceptional cases through phone or screen sharing. So heave a sigh of relief, you concentrate on your business and we will help you with support and maintenance of your Joomla websites.