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Strategy With Technology

  • Use of Enterprise Collaboration Software by Indian Companies

Facebook is gearing for one of the largest IPO openings in the history of technology sector. Social networking has once again become a hot topic of the day everyone is seeing a new hope in this sector. Over the top astronomical valuation and the buzz it has created around itself has made many investors to line up outside its Palo Alto office, in California. Enterprise collaboration software build on similar social networking premises is gaining acceptance in the major business organization all over the world. The open culture offered by this platform helps business to accelerate growth through innovation, communication and active participation of the employees in their workplace. Based on web 2.0 concept, Enterprise collaboration software offers social engagement tools, productive tools, connectivity and seamless mobility.


Although Enterprise Collaboration Software has caught the attention of the major companies around the world but back home in India the prospect still doesn’t seem promising. The use of Social software in India is still at nascent stage. The major business houses in India still think Enterprise Collaboration Software does not offer measurable ROI. There is different school of thoughts regarding this, some think it is a waste of time and can be counter-productive, some says it is a “Facebook at work” and employee will use it to play around. Some of the Indian companies do use Enterprise Collaboration Software but not in all seriousness. They are using it with limited objectives either in marketing or sales department. But what they forget is that the key benefit it brings to the organization dwarfs the marketing benefits which are the focus for most business using social software. The shift toward social technology in businesses is not implemented due to lack of purposeful reasons for building internal communities among employees. Depending on workplace culture and environment in the organization, adoption of Enterprise Collaboration Software can sometimes be slow. But with world’s major companies adopting this platform it is a right time for Indian companies to make a shift and enjoy the benefits.

Click here  to see our Enterprise Collaboration tool: uKnowva

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